C - this is a consequence of the Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium. diffusible anions on that side of the membrane. cations must be electrically neutral in bulk solution, there are fewer leaving fewer to find 'partners' with diffusible anions. As anions andB,D - a non-diffusible anion is polyvalent and forms co-ions with cations, that the distribution of the diffusible ions must be unequal.A - the question is a statement of the Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium and this meansBCcontaining the non-diffusible anion.the diffusible cations are a few percent lower on the side of the membranethe products of the diffusible ions on each side of the membrane are equal.containing non-diffusible anions.the diffusible anions are a few percent lower on the side of the membranethe diffusible ions are equal on both sides of the membrane.The presence of a non-diffusible anion constrained within a capillary implies: the proximal convoluted tubule.D - here there is only filtration and the fluid enters Bowman's capsule andC - the classical description is correct. colloid osmotic pressure. the hydrostatic pressure under normal circumstances does not reach theB - here no ultrafiltration occurs because it is a low pressure circuit andA - the classical description is correct.the glomerular capillaries of the kidney.the capillaries of the bronchial circulation.the pulmonary capillaries.capillaries of visceral smooth muscle.The ultrafiltration/reabsorption mechanism behaves atypically in:C - only 2-4 litres/day on average reaches the blood through the lymphatics.ABDinvolves 16 litres/day reabsorption into the capillary by osmosis.involves 10 litres/day reabsorption through the lymph.involves the exchange of about 20 litres per day.is the relationship between ultrafiltration, osmosis and lymph flow.Tissue fluid balance: dissolved in 1 kg water. half a mole of NaCl to depress the freezing point 1.858 deg. C when ionises into Na+ and Cl-, two particles. Therefore it would take onlyC - remember that electrolytes ionise into a number of particles, i.e. NaCl degrees C. mole of a non-ionised substance would depress freezing point by 1.858B - the molal depression constant is 1.858 degrees centigrade. That is, oneA - the elevation of the boiling point is related to osmolality.BDis determined by the number of particles in the solution.is related to the number of moles of an electrolyte in the solution.constant.is related to the freezing point depression by the molal depressionis measured by the depression of the boiling point.The osmolality of a solution: vascular space.D - Evans Blue binds to plasma proteins and is therefore confined to theC - radioactive iodine would not be confined to the vascular space.B - inulin is confined to the ECF space.A - sucrose is confined to the ECF space.Binterstitial space would be Evans Blue.plasma volume would be radioactive iodine.extracellular volume would be inulin.total body water would be sucrose.An appropriate indicator for measuring: D - about 60% or 42 Kg. C - is less in women because they have proportionately more fat. B - total body water decreases with age.water.Total body water is inversely related to body fat. The more fat, the lessACDis about 2/3 of the body weight of a young average male.is less in women of the same age as men.increases with age.forms a smaller percentage of body weight in fat than in thin persons.The total body water:6TIDY.TBCPASS2.DATO/Finished. missed: out of wrong; right; EHActually true: Which are true? (A,B,C,D) EAESQuestion Press space bar